Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This might be fun...

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Mohair.You are a warm and fuzzy type who works well with others, doing your share without being too weighty. You can be stubborn and absolutely refuse to change your position once it is set, but that's okay since you are good at covering up your mistakes.
Take this quiz!

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Eric & Tony said...

I'm also Mohair! Welcome to KnitBlogLandia and thanks for reading.

Joanna said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Knitbloggers, I a comment snooper, so I found your comment on Mariannes blog and popped over to have a look, I'm Shetland Wool apparantly, although if I could choose a yarn I would be handspun!

Marianne said...

Merino wool here.....
So, how's it going?
Thanks for stopping by :^)