There have been birthday celebrations:

One for Robert.
And one for my country.
There were ballgames to win:
There have been moderately successful attempts at staying cool in the Oklahoma heat:

There has been yardwork and wildlife to deal with:
Some soft and cuddly.
Some, well...not so much.
There were some more acts of kindness:

Ann from my knitting group made this hat for Dona. Thanks again, Ann. I have sent it off to Dona and I know that she will love it.
There has also been a (very) little bit of knitting:

This is another square for the Holly B and Tracy B blankie project. I loved that pattern, it was so quick and fun and easy that I decided that I would use some of the DK weight cotton I had sitting around here and size 3 needles and use the same pattern to make a pretty face cloth. However, that attempt did not go as smoothly as my first attempt at this pattern. It ended badly.
And there was this:

It may or may not become a finished object, we'll just have to wait and see how it goes. I took that picture in the house and those colors are not even close to the actual colors. Maybe if it becomes a finished object I will try harder to get a better picture of it.
Then there were some other things that weren't worthy of being photographed, like trying to get our house ready to put on the market so we can move back into Tulsa. I have decided that I am tired of working here for myself and I am trying to decide if I want to go back to work in a normal job or go to back to school, and doing what needs to be done in order to do one or the other. If there were pictures of these things, they would look a lot like me pulling my hair out. I've never been good at life-changing decisions.
Let's see if I remember how to be thankful:
1. I'm thankful to have so many career and housing options open to me.
2. I am thankful that Robert hasn't strangled me during this life-changing decision making process. Bless his heart. He's a saint.
3. I am thankful he won't be going back to Iraq in September.
What a pretty cake! and your knitting is gorgeous.. I'm terribly intrigued with your colourwork item...
#3... that nearly made my heart stop, as I'm very thankful (for you) that he won't be going back in September.
Will you be at knitnight? Yes, I have my motives.... I'm ready to start that attached icord...
I am thankful that you're all well and back to blogging. I was getting worried.
Sounds like a very busy and fun and hectic summer thus far!! Did you inscribe the cake yourself? If so, I'm jealous... :-)
My birthday is coming up in mid-August btw. Just sayin'.
Good luck with all of the decisions and knitting... well that will come in its own good time!
To Robert: THANK YOU!
Amy: Love, love, LOVE your square! I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to convert it to crochet.
So glad Robert won't be returning to Iraq.
Chill about the move, school & job. Everything will slide into place. Pulling your hair out will only make you look weird. :)
I was beginning to worry, too, Amy. Good to see ya back! And Great News re: Robert/Iraq.
That is a beautiful cake! Your knitting is beautiful as well.
Cody's other grandmother lives in the Tulsa area. We kept in touch with her up until just a couple of years ago. Then she stopped writing, or calling. She won't return e-mails and hasn't even sent Cody a Christmas or birthday present in almost 2 years. Her sister says she's fine, but I don't understand why she won't communicate with us any more. Not so much for me, but for Cody's sake.
Ohhhh what pretty color work.
ARGHHHH--the life-changing decisions are always tough. Just think of how nice it will when things are settled for you again.
WOW to all!
Wow looks like you are having a buzy time and will have in the future too. So glad your Robert not is going back! And I love that cake - have you made it? In that case - my birthday is late August lol:. Hope you will find a nice house, an interesting job, and have lots of fun while surtching. Keep us posted! I am grateful to sun and HOT weather...
Whatever that is, it looks really cool! Is it knit or crochet? Life changing decisions suck. What happened to being a kid and having decisions made for you? Youth . . . wasted on the young.
Happy birthday to Bob, and so glad that Robert isn't going back to Iraq.
I tend to let things go the way they want go, which doesn't always end up the greatest. This time I decided that I had to do something about my job myself, and now I'm tne new copy-room secretary for the school. Yay me. Better pay scale, and I'll always know what I'm going to be doing on any one day. That might bore some, but I like that kind of stability. Good luck in your search!
I'm behind on my blog reading. I am glad you found time to post - things sure get busy in the summer. Did you decorate the cake - very nice!
I am thankful he's not going back to Iraq too! Hope you get your life figured out while you are knitting...
I am sooo thankful that Robert isn't going back in september!
You have had so much on your plate! WOW.
When we marry a great guy we are so lucky to keep him!
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