It cracks me up, it is so little and cute. I can't wait to see them on their little recipients.
Let's see...what am I thankful for today...
1. I am thankful that the forecast for Sunday is 69F (20C) and sunny.
2. I am thankful that my sisters have little kids because the holidays just aren't the same without little kids.
3. I am thankful for people that thrive on drama and devote all of their spare time to keeping everyone around them in a constant state of unrest.
Alright, alright, #3 might have been a little sarcastic (a little) so I will come up with an extra one.
4. I am thankful for the people that I met through this blog that I would have never in a million years had the opportunity to get acquainted with otherwise.
Well, you can be thankful for that 20 degrees, here it has been snowing for the last 2 days and the forcast sais it will not stop yet... But it is January and we are used to it. So cute those little fingerless mittens!
I love that you made the Fetchings for smaller hands! They are so cute. I will definitely be thankful when it gets back up to
69F. It was 17F when I woke up this morning.
My, my, you ARE the clever woman! Those wee Fetching are so cute, cramp inducing cute, seriously.
hahahaha on #3, we all have them don't we?
I'm rather thankful for the Brookside Library Knitnight, otherwise... would our paths have ever crossed? we'll never know, and what's great about that is we don't have to (know) now :^)
Adorable little Fetchings! I still need to make a pair of normal sized ones :0)
I completely agree with your #2. Now that all of the little ones in our family here are grown, the holidays just aren't the same.
Was #3 a swipe at me? Huh? ;-)
#4 - I'm glad to have "met" you, too!
Love the little Fetchings (and the bigger ones too).
I have to say that your #4 is one of the things I'm really grateful for too!
Ahh, they are so sweet.
Tony really likes the Borroco Comfort too. Yarn Snobs can eat it!
Extremely cute!!! Great work! love the colours too.
I suspect that #3 was a bit sarcastic. However, having spent a good part of the hols with 2 people in that category who shall remain nameless, I can certainly relate! Think "Hurry up and wait". I decided to go european and stop hurrying and then much more enjoyed the trip ;)
Having just lived through that glorious 69 degree Sunday, I am immensely thankful for that too.
And dogs, don't forget dogs. I'm happy for dogs.
Mini-Fetching.. So cute! I bet the girls will love them :)
I like your idéa of posting something to be thankful for.
Oh, and when it comes to beeing important, I really think you are. We're all important!! Knit-gurus or not.. ;)
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